Thinking of paying for a membership with It’s Just Lunch in Addison, Texas? DON’T DO IT! It’s Just Lunch in Addison has a 1-star rating on Yelp which is the lowest rating you can possibly get.
But there’s more! It’s Just Lunch is facing a huge class-action lawsuit filed by many customers who felt defrauded by them and said that the services were a waste of time and money.
But there is no need to worry because we are the best alternative to the dating service It’s Just Lunch. Our Addison matchmaking service provides private matchmaking for local singles that are serious about dating and ready to find love.
Our Addison matchmaking service is known for having the best matchmakers in the area and the largest and most diverse database of professional singles.
In our database you are going to find singles from different ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, career fields and age groups, Everyone has been carefully vetted and verified by our experienced Addison matchmakers who ensure that everyone is 100% single and ready for dating.
Our members are amazing & are genuinely looking to find love. Hurry and join our local matchmaking service in Addison and let our Addison matchmakers take over the difficult and time-consuming parts of dating for you.